Mizoine: How I create Java application. Step 2. Setup.

Development setup

  1. Create new empty project in Bitbucket repository. Name: mizoine
  2. Create new Jira story “Mizoine – Issue tracking”
  3. IDE: Eclipse Oxygen
    1. Mylyn: Select task – Jira “Mizoine – Issue tracking”
    2. Project: Maven based
    3. Create new Maven project. Name: mizoine. Package: com.gratchev. Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
    4. Check Maven generated all appropriate folders, etc.
    5. Bind project with git repository from Bitbucket

Tools used so far

  • Eclipse
  • Bitbucket
  • Jira

Continue reading

Mizoine: How I create Java application. Step 1. Identity.


Create an issue tracking system inspired by Jira™.
Actually, same as Jira™, but with improvements:

  1. Completely based on file system:
    • Simple and transparent back-ups, cloning, and everything what file system is good for
    • Easy to setup, repair or monitor with existing tools
    • Version tracking using git™
  2. Use only open and well-community-supported frameworks for everything
  3. Add features, missing in Jira
    • Rename attachments
    • Meta for attachments (description, dates)
    • Move comments between issues
    • Edit comments meta (creation date, etc.)
    • Move attachments between issues
    • Search by file name and description
    • Improved previews and thumbnails for attachments (for example PDF thumbnails)
    • etc.
  4. ???
  5. PROFIT!

Step 1: Project identity


Use existing open tools for name generation. Do not invent a name.
Species name generator → Mizoine

Use existing open tools for icon generation.
Identicon generator: generate your identicon avatar